Liquid Love


This chapter shows how important love for one's neighbors, and how humans react to the situations of this act. 

in the text it is seen as any act of helping another person, the author shows how difficult it is for us to love our neighbor and that such an action or precept is opposed to reason and morality. 

gives several examples from history, where acts of violence and disrespect for others can be identified, he takes these moments as immoral and irrational acts. 

“To love one's neighbor as we love ourselves would then mean 
respect the unique character of each one, the value of our differences that enrich the 
world that we all inhabit and that make it amore fascinating and pleasant place, 
because they expand even more their cornucopia of promises"(textual). 

also talks about self-love, the instinct to stay alive, to want to fight, protect and resist, the author relates this to the animal instinct, the survival instinct. 

“Schindler's List is about surviving others, surviving at any price and in any circumstance, whatever happens, doing what needs to be done. The crowded hall erupts in applause as Schindler manages to get his foreman off the train that is about to depart for Treblinka. 
It doesn't matter that he didn't stop the train from leaving and that the rest of the passengers transported in cattle cars finish their journey in the gas chambers. And the applause erupts again when Schindler rejects the offer of other Jews to replace his Jews”.(textual)

“Life is survival. The strongest live. He Who strikes first survives. While you are the strongest, you can get rid of what you've done to the weak without punishment. The Fact that the dehumanization of victims dehumanized - and morally devastates - the perpetrators is dismissed as minor irritation, if not completely omitted. 
The important thing is to get over it and stay there. To survive - to continue with life - is apparently a value that remains unpolluted and is not tainted by the inhumanity implied by a life dedicated to survival"; (textual).

the hardest life lesson history has ever left us,the holocaust. 

“The right of the strongest, the most astute, the most ingenious or artful to do everything to survive the weakest and most unfortunate isone of the lessons. 
of the Holocaust” (textual).
